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Wayne Pendragon Owens
Wayne Pendragon Owens

Wayne Pendragon Owens


Wayne Owens was born and raised in the mountains of North Wales. After school he trained to become a highly qualified Electrician, a career he gave up after gaining his Degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering to become an IT specialist working for an ISP.

When asked about his career change Wayne normally replies with “Hey, Working as an Electrician is a lot harder and dirtier than playing on the Internet for a living.” Who can say if he is correct or not.

Wayne has been an online Blogger since the early 90’s, writing for his own site and several community sites. In 1994 he wrote the world famous “Insanity Test”

Favorite genre?
I have no overall favorite genre. But my top 5 are Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Action, Non-Fiction.

If you were a mythological or fantasy creature, what would you be?
A Vampire. “Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It’s fun to be a vampire”

What inspired you to become a writer?
I have been a bibliophile since a very young age, and I believe all bibliophiles are closet writers.

What’s the strangest thing anyone’s ever asked you?
“Are you him?”

Where would you want to travel if you had to stay there for a year?
There are many places I would love to visit, like Japan, Egypt, etc. But if I had to stay there for a whole year, then I would have to say “The States, AKA The good ole US of A”. There are a lot of events over there I would like to attend over the year, and several people I would love to visit.

What book is on your TBR list or on your nightstand currently?
My TBR list is like “The Blob” it is constantly growing at an uncontrollable rate.  At any one time I have a dozen books currently being read.

“Widows Sons: Outlaw Bikers or Masonic Ambassadors
#2 Hot New Releases in Freemasonry.”

– AMAZON 2022


Widows Sons - Outlaw Bikers or Masonic Ambassadors

Are the Widows Sons just a group of patch wearing “Outlaw Bikers”, or if not, how can we claim to be ambassadors for freemasonry if bikers cause so much fear and concern everywhere they go?


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